Dash Labs

Project Thor

Modernizing trucking fleet software at Dash Labs
UX Designer
Time Frame
UX Design UX Research

Business Challenge

This small but scrappy startup needed a redesign for their partner's existing fleet product. The redesign needed to be end-to-end, satisfying government regulations while also satisfying drivers' wants and adhering to the Dash brand. It also needed to be executed quickly and be open to expansion.

Strategic Approach

Fig 1: Data Visualization Exploration

Material Design, an existing design system, was chosen to speed up development for the data intensive app. Material Design's cards were used to allow for flexible layouts and versatile content. Data visualization was a big part of this project, as we needed to display the needed information to be legible to a driver.

Visual Evolution

Fig 2: Driver Performance Evolution
Fig 3: Driver Status Evolution
Fig 4: Login Evolution